

创建时间:  2020-08-04  朱毅雅   浏览次数:







2013.9— 2017.7,博士(联合培养),香港城市大学,市场营销

2012.9— 2017.7,博士,中国科学技术大学,管理科学与工程

2008.9— 2012.7,本科,哈尔滨工业大学,信息管理与信息系统




消费者行为学 (本科,硕士)


[1]Zhang T, Choi TM. 2020. Optimal consumer sales tax policies for online-offline retail operations with consumer returns.Naval Research Logistics, doi: 10.1002/nav.21935.

[2]Shen B,Zhang T*, Xu K, Chan HL, Choi TM. 2020. Online Pre-ordering in luxury fashion: will more demand information bring harm to the retailer?Decision Sciences, forthcoming.

[3]Fan X, Zhao W,Zhang T*, Yan E.2020.Mobile payment, third-party payment platform entry and information sharing in supply chains.Annals of Operations Research,doi: 10.1007/s10479-020-03749-8.

[4]Wang N,Zhang T*, Zhu X, Li P. 2020. Online-offline competitive pricing with reference price effect.Journal of the Operational Research Society,doi: 10.1080/01605682.2019.1696154.

[5]Wang J, Fan X,Zhang T. 2020. Behaviour-based pricing and wholesaling contracting under supply chain competition.Journal of the Operational Research Society,doi: 10.1080/01605682.2020.1750310.

[6]Wang J,Zhang T, Fan X. 2020. Reverse channel design with a dominant retailer and upstream competition in emerging markets: Retailer- or manufacturer-collection?Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 137: 101924.

[7]Wang N,Zhang T*, Fan X, Zhu X. 2020. Game theoretic analysis for advertising in dual-channel supply chains.International Journal of Production Research,58(1):256-270.

[8]Fan X, Wang J,Zhang T. 2019. For showing only, or for selling? The optimal physical store mode selection decision for e‐tailers under competition.International Transactions in Operational Research, 10.1007/s10479-018-3084-8.

[9]Shen B, Liu S,Zhang T*, Choi TM. 2019. Optimal advertising and pricing for new green products in the circular economy.Journal of Cleaner Production, 233: 314-327.

[10]Zhang T, Choi TM, Zhu X. 2018. Optimal green product’s pricing and level of sustainability in supply chains: Effects of information and coordination.Annals of Operations Research,in press.

[11]Zhang T, Ge L, Gou Q, Chen L. 2018. Consumer showrooming, the sunk cost effect and online-offline competition.Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 19(1): 55-74.

[12]Zhang T, Zhu X, Zhou C, Liu M. 2017. Pricing and advertising the relief goods under various information sharing scenarios.International Transactions in Operational Research, 24(4): 867-889.

[13]ZhangT, Zhu X, Gou Q. 2017. Demand forecasting and pricing decision with the entry of store brand under various information sharing scenarios.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 34(2):1740018.

[14]Zhang T, Gou Q, Liang L. 2015. Suppliers’ competition and manufacturer’s product mix: the role of ingredient brand.4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 13(3): 293-307. (SCI)


1.2020.1.1—2022.12.31,国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于消费者策略性转换行为的全渠道供应链博弈分析和决策研究(No. 71901137),19万,主持




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